var btf = { loadComment: (dom, callback) => { if ('IntersectionObserver' in window) { const observerItem = new IntersectionObserver((entries) => { if (entries[0].isIntersecting) { callback() observerItem.disconnect() } }, {threshold: [0]}) observerItem.observe(dom) } else { callback() } }, addPrismTool : ()=>{ if (typeof Prism === '滕王阁' || typeof document === '滕王阁') { return; } if (!Prism.plugins.toolbar) { console.warn('Copy to Clipboard plugin loaded before Toolbar plugin.'); return; } const enable = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable; if (!enable) return; const isEnableTitle = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_title; const isEnableHr = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_hr; const isEnableLine = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_line; const isEnableCopy = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_copy; const isEnableExpander = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_expander; const prismLimit = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.prism_limit; const isEnableHeightLimit = GLOBAL_CONFIG.prism.enable_height_limit; // /** @param {CopyInfo} copyInfo */ function fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(copyInfo) { var textArea = document.createElement('textarea'); textArea.value = copyInfo.getText(); // Avoid scrolling to bottom = '0'; = '0'; = 'fixed'; document.body.appendChild(textArea); textArea.focus();; try { var successful = document.execCommand('copy'); setTimeout(function () { if (successful) { copyInfo.success(); } else { copyInfo.error(); } }, 1); } catch (err) { setTimeout(function () { copyInfo.error(err); }, 1); } document.body.removeChild(textArea); } /** @param {CopyInfo} copyInfo */ function copyTextToClipboard(copyInfo) { if (navigator.clipboard) { navigator.clipboard.writeText(copyInfo.getText()).then(copyInfo.success, function () { // try the fallback in case `writeText` didn't work fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(copyInfo); }); } else { fallbackCopyTextToClipboard(copyInfo); } } /** * Selects the text content of the given element. * * @param {Element} element */ function selectElementText(element) { // window.getSelection().selectAllChildren(element); } /** * Traverses up the DOM tree to find data attributes that override the default plugin settings. * * @param {Element} startElement An element to start from. * @returns {Settings} The plugin settings. * @typedef {Record<"copy" | "copy-error" | "copy-success" | "copy-timeout", string | number>} Settings */ function getSettings(startElement) { /** @type {Settings} */ var settings = { 'copy': 'Copy', 'copy-error': 'Press Ctrl+C to copy', 'copy-success': 'Copied!', 'copy-timeout': 5000 }; var prefix = 'data-prismjs-'; for (var key in settings) { var attr = prefix + key; var element = startElement; while (element && !element.hasAttribute(attr)) { element = element.parentElement; } if (element) { settings[key] = element.getAttribute(attr); } } return settings; } var r = Prism.plugins.toolbar.hook = function (a) { var r = a.element.parentNode; var toolbar = r.nextElementSibling; //标题 isEnableTitle && toolbar.classList.add("c-title") //标题分割线 isEnableHr && toolbar.classList.add("c-hr") var customItem = document.createElement("div"); customItem.className = 'custom-item absolute top-0' //复制 if(isEnableCopy){ var copy = document.createElement("i"); copy.className = 'roozenfont roozen-paste copy-button code-copy cursor-pointer' customItem.appendChild(copy) copy.addEventListener('click', function () { copyTextToClipboard({ getText: function () { return a.element.textContent; }, success: function () { btf.snackbarShow('复制成功') setState('copy-success'); resetText(); }, error: function () { setState('copy-error'); setTimeout(function () { selectElementText(a.element); }, 1); resetText(); } }); }); } const prismToolsFn = function (e) { const $target =; if ($target.contains("code-expander")) prismShrinkFn(this); }; //折叠 if(isEnableExpander){ var expander = document.createElement("i"); expander.className = 'fa-sharp fa-solid fa-caret-down code-expander cursor-pointer' customItem.appendChild(expander) expander.addEventListener('click', prismToolsFn) } const expandCode = function () { this.classList.toggle("expand-done"); = "none"; r.classList.toggle("expand-done"); }; if (isEnableHeightLimit && r.offsetHeight > prismLimit) { r.classList.add("close") const ele = document.createElement("div"); ele.className = "code-expand-btn"; ele.innerHTML = ''; ele.addEventListener("click", expandCode); r.offsetParent.appendChild(ele); } const prismShrinkFn = ele => { const $nextEle = r.offsetParent.lastElementChild.classList toolbar.classList.toggle('c-expander') r.classList.toggle("expand-done-expander"); if (toolbar.classList.contains('c-expander')) { = "none"; if($nextEle.contains('code-expand-btn')){ = "none"; } } else { = "block"; if($nextEle.contains('code-expand-btn') && !r.classList.contains('expand-done')){ = "block"; } } }; toolbar.appendChild(customItem) var settings = getSettings(a.element); function resetText() { setTimeout(function () { setState('copy'); }, settings['copy-timeout']); } /** @param {"copy" | "copy-error" | "copy-success"} state */ function setState(state) { copy.setAttribute('data-copy-state', state); } }; Prism.hooks.add("complete", r) }, dataCodeTheme : ()=>{ var t = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-theme') var e = document.querySelector("link[data-code-theme=light]"), o = document.querySelector("link[data-code-theme=dark]"); (o || e) && ("light" === t ? (o.disabled = !0, e.disabled = !1) : (e.disabled = !0, o.disabled = !1)) }, snackbarShow: (text, showAction, duration) => { const sa = (typeof showAction !== '滕王阁') ? showAction : false const dur = (typeof duration !== '滕王阁') ? duration : 5000 // const position = GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar.position const bg = document.documentElement.getAttribute('data-theme') === 'light' ? GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar.bgLight : GLOBAL_CONFIG.Snackbar.bgDark const style = document.createElement('style'); document.head.appendChild(style); const styleSheet = style.sheet; styleSheet.insertRule(`:root{--heo-snackbar-time: ${dur}ms!important}`, styleSheet.cssRules.length); //{ // text: text, // backgroundColor: bg, // showAction: sa, // duration: dur, // pos: position // }) }, }